Lots of persons who start using their 1st web hosting account, or change companies, frequently have enquiries with regards to how specific tasks are performed or come across complications when setting up different things like emails, site settings, etc. That’s the reason why, many web hosting providers have prepared documentation with the most common questions and issues in order to help their customers get information quickly and easily. Consequently, the tech support staff members can concentrate on actual problems that given customers may be experiencing, since the solution for the minor things will be available on the web and customers can easily tackle them without having to touch base with the customer support staff. Having thorough documentation is exceptionally important, especially for new customers without any prior experience whatsoever, since the hosting service entails a large number of features and lots of individuals can get perplexed about what to do. A good knowledge base can both help you accomplish the procedures that you need and become aware of how the web hosting service functions as a whole.

Extensive Online Documentation in Cloud Hosting

All Linux cloud packages that we’re offering include an elaborate knowledge base where you can find all you should know in regard to your hosting account. Whether you want to create a brand new database, to forward a domain name by means of an .htaccess configuration file or to create an e-mail account on your PC or telephone, you can just check our step-by-step help articles and all the information that you need will be there. When you go to a specific section of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you can see articles that are associated with the features that can be accessed through it. In case you wish to check the full article list and get acquainted with all the features that Hepsia is offering, or simply to read general information about the hosting service, you can browse the whole knowledge base, which can be accessed via the Help menu in your Control Panel. We have tried our utmost best to encompass any problem that you may possibly bump into, but if you don’t find the information that you’re searching for, you can always touch base with us, as our client support team representatives are available around the clock.